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What’s the deal with freeze-dried pet treats?
Freeze-dried treats are the “cool” new kids on the block that are a trendy alternative to traditional pet treats. But what makes them all the rage? That's what we will find out here.
So, what exactly are freeze-dried pet treats?
Freeze-dried pet treats are made by removing the moisture content from raw ingredients through a process called sublimation. This involves freezing the product and then applying a vacuum to turn the ice directly into vapor, bypassing the liquid stage. This method preserves the nutritional content while extending the shelf life.
In essence, freeze-dried treats are generally protein-rich and contain raw ingredients that are lightly processed, allowing them to retain nutrients better.
What are the pros of freeze-dried pet treats?
Nutrient preservation:
Freeze-drying retains almost all the nutrients found in the raw ingredients, ensuring your pet gets a balanced diet. -
Extended shelf life:
Without moisture, these treats last longer, reduce waste, making them convenient for pet owners. -
Lightweight and portable:
Perfect for travel or outdoor activities, as they are easy to pack and serve. -
Easier to chew:
The removal of moisture during the freeze-drying process gives these treats a crispier texture, making them easier for senior pets to chew. -
No unpleasant odors:
Freeze-dried treats smell significantly better than traditional treats.
What are some of the concerns?
Due to the advanced drying process, freeze-dried treats can cost a little more. However, considering the longer shelf life, easy storage and nutritional value, the benefits can outweigh the costs in the long run. -
Freeze-dried treats are typically super nutrient-dense, which can be great for your pet when packed with the right ingredients, but can lead to weight gain when not portioned properly. Thankfully, there are now low-calorie freeze-dried alternatives that, when given according to feeding instructions, make a high-protein, healthy option perfect for pets on a health kick. -
Additional Water Intake:
Pets may need additional water when consuming these treats. So if you are switching to freeze-dried treats, just make sure that your pet has access to clean water.
Are freeze-dried treats the right choice for my pets?
For pet parents who want a chew that is less processed than traditional treats, freeze-dried treats can offer an alternative. The freeze-drying process helps retain more of the raw nutrients and reduces the need for artificial preservatives. Note, that some freeze-dried treats may also contain natural preservatives and flavors which are rich in antioxidants, amino acids and probiotics that can contribute to the overall health well-being of your pet.
These treats offer a long-lasting chew experience for pets that need to satisfy their natural chewing instincts, while also being more convenient for pet parents looking for easy-to-serve snacks.
That’s what makes these treats all the rage among pet parents looking for high-quality snacks for their fur babies. But if you are ever in doubt, it is always wise to consult your vet.
Try MalsiPree's freeze-dried treats!
Think you're ready to give freeze-dried treats a try? Browse some of our exciting freeze-dried treats for cats of all ages and breeds, and dogs of all breeds above the age of 3 months. Plus, designed to be hand-fed, these tasty treats are great for bonding and training.
Browse Freeze-Dried Cat Pawlipops
Browse Freeze-Dried Dog Pawlipops
Happy pet parenting, guys!
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